Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6

April [SNOW] Showers...

It is currently 37 degrees. And snowing. And it's April 6.

Tonight's forecast calls for snow and 25 degrees. Did I mention it's April 6?

I would have posted a photo of the ground this morning, but I just couldn't bring myself to stand outside and photograph the ground with big, fat, wet snowflakes falling around me. Picture this: a muddy yard (from an entire day of rain yesterday), topped with snow. It's like a brownie sprinkled with powdered sugar -- only snow-covered mud doesn't give you the happy feeling a brownie sprinkled with powdered sugar does.

As we left the house this morning, Charlie made a disgruntled comment about it snowing in April. I one-upped him by telling him I remember it once snowed in May. He didn't seem all that impressed by this new information, but he looked a bit less bothered.

Of course, I reminded the boys, the weather forecast for Wednesday and Thursday is calling for sun and high-50s, which is much more seasonable.

Welcome to springtime in Indiana!


Lindy said...

I could not believe this either...wth?

Jennifer Cameron said...

The first April after we moved back to Fort Lame(2007), it snowed enough that Kate, Tyler, Ethan and Chloe were outside building a snowman. Tyler was taking Spanish and named it Juanita. LOL!