What I envisioned for the evening was holiday music on the radio (check), freshly-made gingerbread men (check) and three boys still slightly damp-headed from their showers ready for some wholesome, Norman Rockwell-esque holiday fun (check). Then I realized that giving two 9-year-olds and an (almost) 7-year-old free reign to decorate said gingerbread men AFTER bathing was a completely insane idea. Luckily, a majority of the tinted icing affected only hands and mouths. Hands are always easily re-washed, and the teeth needed brushed before bed anyway. Crisis averted.
We ended up with some fairly, um... shall we say, uniquely decorated cookies. The boys also found it hilarious to actually name each cookie, based on its decoration. Example: the cookie completely covered from its head to toes in icing and then chocolate sundae sprinkles was named, "Brownie." No face. No cute, little buttons down the front. Just solid sprinkles. Whatever. They had a blast doing this, and that's what it was all about. Even Tyler (nearly 17) took part in the fun early on, decorating about five cookies, then retreating to his room to play xBox360. One of his gingerbread men wore sunglasses; another was a cyclops. Hilarious.