The craziness of the holidays is nearly over, and I finally carved out time to download a ton of photos from the past several weeks. I'd chat more, but I want to get two posts in today. Enjoy!

First of only two pictures taken on Thanksgiving Day. Aunt Patty making gravy. And, apparently, shunning the papparazzi.

Second of two photos. Jack being..., well...
Jack. This is the child I have to beg and bribe to give me at least one good smile per photo. On Thanksgiving, I just went with what he gave me and counted it as a blessing. Besides, I had already won a battle that day--he's wearing a collared shirt AND jeans, rather than his usual t-shirt and warm-ups.

The lot of us at Niagara Falls the day after Thanksgiving. While others braved crowded, overheated shopping malls, we braved the elements and trekked the short 30 min. from Buffalo to Niagara. Obviously, there was wind (see the wall-o-hair covering half my face?) and some spitting rain, but we all managed to have fun. A lot of walking, but the beautiful scenery of the falls, rapids and such were so worth it!

Of course he's smiling and happy. He was strapped to me in the Baby Bjorn and as we schlepped all over Niagara Falls.

Before we left for home, we got a great photo of all the boys and Great Grandma Evelyn (Baba).

And I couldn't resist posting this one. It's up there with my all-time favorites. The story behind it is that Jeff and I were trying to get a good, smiley photo of Bobby for the Christmas card. Unfortunately, with all his enthusiastic movement, most photos were just a blur of drooling happy baby. I posted this on a Facebook album with the caption,
"Laughing so hard you pee your pants isn't such a big deal when you're a baby." Or something like that.
Although you are halfway cut out of the photo, I love the one of you and Bobby at Niagara. As Mom's we are normally too busy "taking" the pictures to be "in" the pictures. :)
How great to see the pics of Grandma and Aunt Patty. I haven't been to Buffalo since 1997! WAY too long! Thanks for sharing the pics. I love your blog! Merry Christmas!!!!
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