Today I am all about spending time with Bobby. And doing a lot of catch-up laundry. But, mostly? I want to just play with the baby. He's 6.5 months now, and just cut his two bottom teeth two weeks ago. It won't be long before he's walking around, getting into things he shouldn't. Then it will be off to pre-school... Kindergarten... grade school. He is our last baby, and I think I can speak for Jeff when I say we want to enjoy him. Every last little snippet of babyhood.
When I was getting him dressed earlier, I pulled out one of the handmade onesies everyone at the baby shower made. This one was created by Aunt Stacy. Yes, it says "Live long and prosper." I married into a pool of sci-fi fans, so she knew this would be all too appropriate. And appreciated.
And here's the best part...

Yes. That's Bobby's butt.
This is why we absolutely LOVE Aunt Stacy. And her sense of humor.
Onesie is too cute although I'll admit - never seen Star Wars or Trek or whatever it's called.
Oh my gosh! Zoe and I were JUST talking about that onesie like two hours ago! I keep laughing because my litle secret (not a secret anymore, I suppose) is that the orignial logo on the front of Bobby's onesie first looked like the V on the Vienna Beef signs--a symbol also worth having on a onsie, I think.
Thanks for posting this. You made my day..again!
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